Smart devices for home simplify life, improve home care
Technology has been developing fast, and smart devices for home are making our lives easier. Along with the economic growth, people's lifestyles and needs are changing. Specifically related to the need for a home, many have built, or have started looking at an innovative and convenient home rather than a traditional house. In order to make their search complete, we will be looking at smart devices for home which can make everyone's ordinary house "smarter".
Smart socket
A smart socket is an extremely useful device in a smart home because it helps turn every electronic device at home into smart devices when connected together. It has the ability to connect and interact with other smart devices in the same home system, using the Internet of Things (IoT).
Using the smart socket, users won't need to manually unplug. They can be turned on/off remotely, timed for automatic operation, as well as supporting the control of electronic devices via the management app.
It can turn a regular fan into a smart fan, automatically turning on/off when a person enters or leaves the room. Furthermore, users can turn on the air conditioner before returning home so that they can enjoy the coolness with fresh air as soon as they step in the house.
Smart lighting
Smart lights are LED lights which can be controlled using devices such as smart phones, tablets, etc. Smart lights have been created to bring more safety and convenience to users. In addition, the device will also help ensure efficiency in energy saving.
Many types of smart lights are made available to users, so they can choose the types that support changing colors according to their preference. A smart phone with the right app can help easily turn the smart lights on/off, and a button can adjust colors and schedule activities.
Smart switch
A smart switch is a switch that applies technology to help users turn on / off household electrical appliances such as light bulbs, blinds, etc. with just a touch of a button or controlled by a smartphone or a tablet. Smart switches are linked to control devices through connection standards such as Bluetooth Mesh, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, etc., allowing the user to control the smart switch anytime and anywhere.
Smart switch is designed to help insulate, safe, and prevent electric leakage. Thanks to the remote control feature, users will not need to come the switch to turn on/off a device, but can instead use the smart phone or a tablet to do it. A smart switch can be the optimal solution for those who are super busy or absent-minded to easily control all the electrical appliances at home.
Smart door lock
Even if homeowners install many security cameras at home, they won't work if a dock remains unlocked. A smart door lock uses a password or fingerprint to unlock, applying security technologies to replace keys in traditional mechanical locks.
Using a smart phone, users can set up, control the lock easily from anywhere in various scenarios such as locking at night or letting visitors inside before the owner comes home.
Robot vacuum cleaner
A smart home is incomplete if it cannot clean itself. A smart vacuum cleaner, or a robot vacuum cleaner makes a perfect choice. It is designed and pre-programmed with automatic house cleaning functions such as vacuuming, mopping, or a combination of both without too much human intervention.
The robot vacuum cleaner is one of the smart home appliances favored by housewives because it makes house cleaning convenient and time-saving.
Using an app to control the robot vacuum cleaner, a homeowner can track the cleaning, and schedule it, or create a virtual wall for the robot.
The robot makes complete the family of smart devices for home.
Should you have any questions or request a quotation of Rang Dong products, please send us an email to: export@rangdong.com.vn.
Websites: en.rangdong.com.vn and vacuumflask.rangdong.com.vn